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Tac Med Trach Hook

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TacMed Solutions

0.05 LBS
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  • Description
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**Not Available for International Shipment

The Tac Med trach hook uses a design that has been trusted by medical professionals for over 100 years. Based on the Jackson Tenaculum hook Retractor, this scaled down version is perfect for the tactical health care provider. By providing positive control of the trachea, this device greatly increases the success rate of crichothyroidotomies in austere environments. The tapered design of the hook minimizes its profile at the incision site providing the operator with the maximum level of visibility in low light and stressful situations. Its smooth edges also minimize damage to surrounding tissues when tension is applied.

Dimensions: 4" H x 1" W x .5" D (packaged)
Weight: 0.8 oz


