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Wound Prep Module
This convenient module contains handy components to clean and prep minor wounds for bandaging. All contents are individually foil-packed towelettes.
What's in the kit?
- Alcohol Prep Pads - Clean/sanitize around a wound or clean instruments such as bandage scissors or forceps, to help protect from potential sources of infection. Not recommended for use on open wounds.
- Hand Sanitizing Wipes - Clean your hands before and after to help prevent infection and to keep yourself protected too.
- BZK Antiseptic Towelettes - Use on minor wounds to help reduce the risk of infection. Generally gentle on skin and ideal for wound cleaning.
- Povidone Iodine Prep Pads - Used to clean open wounds or topical antibiotic. This can sometimes be messy and some patients may have an allergic reaction to iodine.
- Sting Relief Pads - For external use only. Provides relief from minor burns, scrapes, bites or stings.
Wound Prep Module Contents
12 Alcohol Prep Pads
12 Sani-Hands Towelettes
12 BZK Antiseptic Towelettes
6 Povidone Iodine Prep Pads
6 Sting Relief Pads
To ensure best quality and timely delivery, we may substitute items in our kits and modules with products of equal or better quality.
OTC Meds & Topicals
- Dimensions 8" H x 6" W (package)
- Weight 4.1 oz
6 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Wound prep modual
The individual package are smaller to to keep on you EDC firstaid kit.
Like it
Well put together product ...nicely done
Another excellent module
Nothing but the best from Rescue Essentials! There is never any doubt as to the quality and service and price! I buy all my Stomp II items and my First Aid items from Rescue Essentials! They have everything you need to stock your kits. The delivery is fast and complete. The prices are excellent and the quality is beyond excellent. I use to visit other sites for gear but I do not now. Rescue Essentials is my one stop on-line store! I highly recommend Rescue Essentials to anyone !!!!! AAAA+++++
Good assortment
I bought one of these for my get home bag. Just ordered 4 more. This a nice assortment of prep solutions to keep in an emergency kit. You need to clean a wound before bandage it. This is great upgrade for my emergency bags. I will be buying more.
Great for picky wound prepper
This covers most antiseptic prep solutions for the picky wound prepper. Being in a semi-tropical area 12 sting relief pads wound be better for my uses. Just bump all pads quantity to 12 each. Foil packages 2" x 2-1/4" with full drug facts on each.
Good quality wound prep items without searching all the pharmacies
Great quality items in one place for all minor wound care needs.